Congratulations Ashley and Dan!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 at 5:19PM
Whitney Wing Drake in Ashley and Dan, Beach Wedding, Congratulations!, Karen L. Barnes, Malibu Wedding, The Sunset Restaurant

Oh my gosh, where do we even start with the fabulous Ashley and Dan? This silly, fun-loving, warm, and wonderful couple was such a blast to work with! Their wedding was held in the beginning of October at The Sunset Restaurant in Malibu. When Ashley came into our office for the first time about a year ago, she said she wanted a white wedding. As the conversations progressed we realized more and more that Ashley was not a white wedding kind of girl and that some splashy colors would really bring out her fun personality. It finally came out that Ashley was just nervous about choosing colors because she hadn't designed an event of this magnitude before and didn't know where to begin. So we spent time looking through photos and trying to get a feel for the colors that would really make Ashley (and Dan) most happy. We decided on lime green and navy, complete with limes in vases, floating green spider mums, and beach balls. We are so happy Ashley went with her instinct and we were honored to help because what developed was a colorful and bright wedding palette - which perfectly represented Ashley and Dan's fun-loving nature. Dan's choice of music was amazing and each song kept getting better and better throughout the night! He even found a beautiful Elvis song for his mother/son dance that we don't think anyone has ever even heard of. Congratulations Ashley and Dan! It was a blast!


To see more images from this wedding view photographer Karen L. Barnes' blog here:


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