A Colorful Kick
Tuesday, October 12, 2010 at 6:01PM
Whitney Wing Drake in Bride in Blue, Bride in Green, Bride in Pink, Bride in Purple, Bride in Yellow, Colorful Heels, Love These!, Wedding Shoes

I absolutely love the new trend of brides wearing colorful shoes! I mean, first of all what girl doesn't feel a million times more stylish while wearing a pair of fabulous cobalt blue Manolos? I think we're all willing to sacrifice a little comfort in the name of fabulousness - especially on a day as important as your wedding day. Am I right?

So here is a little tribute board I put together to pay homage to these amazing ladies - some of whom were our own brides - and the amazing photo ops. that come from thinking inside the (shoe) box.


Article originally appeared on A Bride Blog (http://www.thebridespot.com/).
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