Congratulations Donna and Zak!
Monday, August 23, 2010 at 1:02PM
Whitney Wing Drake

Congratulations to my very dear friends Donna and Zak! Their jaw-droppingly gorgeous wedding was held at 180-acre Nestldown Ranch in beautiful Los Gatos, California (near San Jose.) Donna and Zak were high school sweethearts and they carried the theme throughout. I absolutely love all the personal attention to detail that went into this wedding, from the paper airplane escort cards to the chalk board table signs and the copy of the "Cutest Couple" award from the highschool yearbook. Get a sneak peak of me as a bridesmaid in the girls shot. Such an honor! We wish Donna and Zak the very best in married life!!

Click here for the Nestldown website

Check out the fantastic photography by Augie Chang, who we highly recommend for your Northern California wedding:

Article originally appeared on A Bride Blog (
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