
Hey girls,
Do you have the amazing, albeit daunting task of planning a bachelorette party? Well fret no more, planning the bachelorette party can be fun - REALLY!
You just have to keep the following things in mind:
1. Try to plan the bachelorette party at a time when most girls will be able to attend, and consider the out-of-towners. If you plan the party about 3 days before the wedding then chances are most out-of-towners will already be there and you will still allow enough time for the bride to recover.
2. Don't cause unnecessary drama by excluding anyone. Maybe a certain girl isn't your favorite and you would greatly prefer that she not be there for the fabulous party you're throwing. But the fact is, it's not your party - it's the bride's. You owe it to the bride to show her a great time, so try to get over personal issues (if only for that day.) You know she would do the same for you.
3. Get creative! Vegas is always fun and who doesn't love a great massage? But there are many more venues and activities out there and with a little thought, you could surprise everyone with an amazing new idea. Themes are always fun and girls LOVE getting into them. So think of the bride...what are her favorite things? Does your bride love movies? Why not have all the girls dress as their favorite movie characters? Or maybe pick a specific movie and theme the party around that? For example, if her favorite movie is a classic 50's movie then ask all the girls to dress as a classic 50's starlett and go to the oldest and most glamorous restaraunt in your area. If her favorite movie is from the 80's, then ask everyone to dress in neon, rent a limo playing nothing but Madonna and Blondie, and go to an 80's dance club ( Or do an 80's fashion show at home and have everyone walk the Catwalk of 80's Shame (complete with scrunchies, slap bracelets, hypercolor, and those round t-shirt ties). If she loves the outdoors, then go whale watching ( or take a girls' trip to Catalina( If she loves to cook, then take a cooking class or have everyone over to make sushi. If she loves scary movies, then take her to the Queen Mary for a Dinner and Ghost Tour experience ( over to the Hollywood Cemetary for a scary movie on the lawn ( The possibilities are endless, so don't be afraid to step outside the box.
4. Finally, and most importantly, think of her. She is only going to be a bride once and has probably been thinking about her bachelorette party for a long time. So make sure the event you have in mind is what she wants to do and not just what you want to do to her. If she loves gag gifts and inappropriate paraphernalia, then go for it. But if she is a more conservative person who really would have loved a nice evening at a wine bar, don't mortify her. She won't tell you about how uncomfortable she feels because she won't want to appear ungrateful. But be kind. She'll love you even more (and be even more sure about why she asked you to join the wedding party) if you show her just how well you know her.